24 January 2011

A belated Christmas get together

My friends, Kelly PM, Sandra, Kelly PG and Darren were supposed to come for dinner before Christmas but we had to cancel it because of the snow.  We eventually got around to getting together and I decided to make Spaghetti.  I also made them cross stitch keyrings using the first letter of their names and their favourite colours.  My mom also came so in total there were 9 of us.  The entire meal cost me £12.00 which I thought was really good as it's still a long way till pay day and I am having to watch the pennies. 

Main Course:
Spaghetti with Tomato, Chorizo and Bacon

Chocolate Mousse

Home made bread
Home made Salad dressing

They key rings that I made

Add a chocolate heart

Wrapped up

Ready to garnish


Chocolate Mousse and slodge

Home made bread - hand made.

Home made bread

Home made salad dressing

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