3 November 2010

Sadza ne Nyama

Finally, after 6 years of searching, I have found the UK equivalent to Rape.  It's Curly Kale!  The texture and taste is just like Rape!  :-) 

Mealie Meal

Curly Kale

Looks and tastes just like Rape

Taadaa!  Delicious!


  1. depending where you live, I have seen "rape" the vegetable in the markets in london. Have a wonder around during the week, when its not so busy I think some call it "saag"

  2. Thanks for your comment. :) I live in Norfolk, we can't get rape here. :( Found Kale at the supermarket though and it tastes just the same. :) Mandi

  3. Hi
    Thought I should mention that spring greens also work well as a substitute for Rape. The leaves rolled up and cut into thin strips and added to the Nyama for about 10 minutes.
